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Project | 01

Project | 01 I&R Bacillus findings

In my investigation and research 3 class we did a project based on my favorite subject microbiology. The task was to pick a location, collect soil, and do several biochemical tests in order to cultivate microbes, more specifically Bacillus. The location I chose was in front of DJR student center. After several streaked plates I was finally able to get single colonies of what I believe to be Bacillus.

Project | 02

Project | Crawfish experiment 

In Field Biology we had the task of creating our own research project. My partner and I came up with the idea of using crawfish. Our question was do crayfish prefer different substrates to live/ burrow in such as small gravel, sand, or mud/clay? and our hypothesis was gravel. We said gravel because a typical aquarium has gravel at the bottom and crayfish are found in streams where gravel is located.  Crayfish likely choose the substrate that they feel will protect them and out of the 3 selected substrates gravel provides the most protection.The aquarium was divided into three substrates, gravel, sand, and mud by taping cut pieces of cardboard 3 inches tall with packaging tape and placing them in the tank as each substrate was added. Three small beta aquarium lids were used as hiding places for the crayfish. Small gravel was placed on top of each lid to keep the lids from floating. Treated water was carefully added to the aquarium. In addition, an air bar attached to an air pump was added to the tank, then the crayfish were carefully placed into the tank. 

During the first experiment, the crayfish chose to be in their own substrate. On a few occasions, they were fighting for position in the mud section.

During the second experiment, the crayfish were also in their own substrate. One chose to be in the gravel, while one chose to be in the sand. On the last day of the experiment, One of the crayfish was found in the sand.

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